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What We Do


Our Process

At Green Mountain Design Co, we understand that each foodservice design project is unique, requiring a customized approach to achieve optimal results. Our process is meticulously crafted to ensure seamless execution, from concept development to final implementation. Here's an overview of how we work:

Discovery Phase

We begin by getting to know you and your specific needs, goals, and vision for the project. Through in-depth discussions and asking the right questions we gain a comprehensive understanding of the project requirements and constraints.

Concept Development

Leveraging our expertise and creativity, we develop preliminary concepts and designs that align with your vision and objectives. We present these concepts to you for feedback and refinement, ensuring that the design direction meets your expectations.

Design and Planning

Once the concept is approved, we proceed to the detailed design and planning phase. This includes space planning, equipment selection, layout optimization, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Collaboration and Feedback

We maintain open communication throughout the process, collaborating closely with you, other stakeholders and the full design team. Your feedback and input are integral to the design refinement process, ensuring that the final result meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Execution and Implementation

With the design finalized, we move into the execution phase, coordinating with contractors, suppliers, and other partners as needed. Our team oversees the implementation process to ensure that the design is executed to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Close Out Support

Our commitment is for the entirety of the project leading up to opening day. We conclude our design scope of work by conducting a last Punch Walk Site Visit to coordinate with the full design, construction and stakeholder teams to efficiently close out the project.

At Green Mountain Design Co. we're dedicated to delivering exceptional foodservice design solutions customized to your specific needs.

Let us guide you through the process and bring your culinary vision to life.
